Yukti Vyas
Christmas Lit Neurons
This image shows two green neurons (brain cells), glowing like Christmas lights. These cells are visible, as they have been injected with a green fluorescent protein, while hundreds of other brain cells remain invisible to us in the image. These cells all work together in a beautiful and complex manner to create a symphony of activity which allows us to function throughout all stages of life. As this is a unique process for every individual, it is unsurprising that differences in the presence, structure, and function of these neurons are implicated in a wide array of neurological conditions - of particular interest to Dr Vyas is autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental condition which has been linked to the number of neurons present in certain regions of an individuals brain.
The research being conducted by Dr Vyas looks into therapeutic strategies for neurodevelopmental disorders, like ASD. Her work looks at the brain from the molecular, synaptic and cellular levels, to the circuit, network and behavioural levels, to gain a greater understanding of how these processes change in disease. This insight would allow for further development of therapies to address these changes, by recognising what, why, and how these differences are implicated in disease.